Australia's "poet lorikeet", Denis Kevans, died at Sydney's Westmead Hospital on August 22, following complications from heart surgery.

At its August 24 executive meeting, the Australian Council of Trade Unions decided to postpone the planned national day of action against the federal government's anti-union laws to November 15.

A rally on August 24, organised by the Macquarie University Students Against Racism Coalition, was attended by 100 students and staff angered by racist comments made to the media in July by Macquarie University academic Andrew Fraser.

Political heavyweights from six of the world's leading coal industry nations will meet in Adelaide in November. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Australia's foreign minister Alexander Downer, and high level

As little as $125 million of the pledged $1 billion in funds pledged by the Australian government for tsunami relief is going to the tsunami-ravaged province of Aceh according to the World Bank.

I was thinking that I wasn't as up as I should be with core Australian values. Here we have folk in the know like that Costello bloke going on about them , when I myself are a bit in the dark in that department. How so? I guess I'm taking a lot

Prominent Stop the War Coalition activist Pip Hinman has been pre-selected as the Socialist Alliance candidate for the Marrickville by-election on September 17.

More trade union leaders have rallied to support the Green Left Weekly Emergency Appeal as it enters its sixth week with $70,173 raised and less than $30,000 to make our target.

Two Aboriginal communities say they are "bitterly disappointed" by the Federal Court's refusal to force the Queensland government to pay for lost wages. Justice John Dowsett ruled on August 19 that the state government didn't

Kathy Newnam, Darwin Letty Scott has called for the Northern Territory government to re-open the coronial inquest into the death of her husband, Douglas Scott, in Berrimah prison in July 1985. For more than 20 years she has fought to overturn the

On September 4, 1970, the Australian government, acting on the advice of ASIO, denied an entry visa to Dick Gregory, a famous African-American comedian and social activist who was outspoken in his opposition to the US war in Vietnam.

By setting up a camp outside US President George Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, on August 6 and demanding he met with her regarding the death of her son, Casey, in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan and her supporters have helped reactivate the US