John Catalinotto, New York
Former CIA "asset" and current Iraqi "Premier" Iyad Allawi telephoned US President George Bush on January 3 to discuss problems about holding the January 30 national election in Iraq. The big question was whether the
Dave Riley
The youth radicalisation that swept Australia in the late 1960s fostered a massive wave of hope and idealism. Many young people, keen to change a society that they found so wanting, identified with figures who gave their all to such a
Eric Ruder, Chicago
After nearly two months of a savage US offensive, the people of Fallujah are returning to their city — to find heaps of rubble and whole neighbourhoods demolished. Operation Phantom Fury, as the US called its assault,
Nicole Hilder, Wollongong
Residential developer Stockland Development was found guilty on December 16 of disregarding planning rules after dumping thousands of tonnes of landfill on top of a sacred Aboriginal site at Sandon Point in northern
GERMANY: New left party to be launched
In a ballot conducted in the now 6000-strong Electoral Alternative Work and Social Justice in December, an overwhelming 96% voted to formally launch a new left party at an extraordinary congress on January
January 19
1969: Student Jan Palach sets himself on fire in Prague to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
January 20
1932: El Salvador's government murders 30,000 peasants to end
1996: International strike lends
Eva Cheng's review (GLW #609) of The Trouble with Capitalism by Harry Shutt was terrifically interesting, because it pointed up the highly interventionist character of capitalist states and debunked the commonly (still) held view that
Women's oppression is often portrayed as a permanent feature of human life. The argument claims that the basic unit of society has always been the male-headed family made up of bread-winning, dominant father, nurturing, dominated mother, and their
Sarah Stephen
Rebuilding the countries affected by the tsunami is a monumental task that will take many years. Some communities will never be the same — the landscape along the coastal regions has been permanently altered.
The 15-metre salt
Lisa Macdonald
Since the federal election there have been hundreds of articles asking the obvious question: How could a Coalition that has been caught out in so many lies, provoked the biggest protest marches in Australian history, forced some in
Louise MichelEdited by Nick McClellanOcean Press, Melbourne, 2004
118 pages, $11.95Order from <>.
In 1871, for the first time in history, the working class "stormed heaven" by taking
Sonia Chirgwin
On December 13, I flew from Bangkok to Australia on Thai Airways. After a long flight there was a stopover in Sydney for one hour prior to completing the flight in Melbourne, arriving at approximately midnight. The plane was then
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