Labor joins attacks on civil liberties In a stunning display of just how far to the right a Labor leader can go, NSW Premier Bob Carr has called for even more attacks on civil liberties, paving the way for a crackdown on dissent, and
BY JOHN PERCY [The following letter was sent on October 22 by Democratic Socialist Party national secretary John Percy on behalf of the DSP political committee to the national executive of the International Socialist Organisation. It was
BY IGGY KIM SYDNEY — On November 1, the organising coalition for the November 14 rally against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) decided against a march. Instead, the coalition will leave it up to different contingents to hold their own
BY NORM DIXON SYDNEY - The federal minister for trade, Mark Vaile, announced late on October 30 that the November 14-15 World Trade Organisation (WTO) informal meeting of trade ministers will be held at a new venue, the Novotel Hotel within the
BY GRAHAM MATTHEWS MELBOURNE — On October 30, Victorian Labor Premier Steve Bracks ordered a moratorium on the logging of the Goolengook state forest in the East Gippsland. Under the moratorium, logging in the old-growth forest will be