BY SARAH STEPHEN Borderline: Australia's treatment of refugees and asylum seekersBy Peter MaresUNSW Press240 pages, $32.95 pb "There is a contradiction at the heart of Australian society", writes Peter Mares in Borderline. "Like the United States
BY GWENN OKRUHLIK The weeks following September 11 brought to the surface the tense undercurrents in the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia. In the aftermath of the horrific attacks in New York and Washington, word spread that
BY EWAN SAUNDERS& MARCEL CAMERON Last year hundreds of thousands of Australians participated in the "reconciliation walks", the most impressive of these occurring on May 28, 2000, when at least a quarter of a million people walked across Sydney
BY ERIK WESSELIUS Britain is home to a particularly influential services industry lobby, which operates through an organisation called "International Financial Services, London (IFSL)". It is more than just another corporate pressure group; it
BY JOHN PILGER LONDON — If people were not being killed and beginning to starve, the American attack on Afghanistan might seem farcical. But there is a logic to what they are doing. Read between the lines and it is clear that they are not bombing
Hemp party attacked LISMORE — Thirty police officers descended on the Nimbin campaign headquarters of Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) on October 31. In a two-hour long siege, 10 armed police police searched the premises. One person was
BY ANGELA LUVERA SYDNEY — "There is no excuse to postpone action against the war", Nurcan Kiyak told the Women Against War and Racism forum held in Parramatta on November 1. Kiyak spoke about the different forms of violence used against women
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9pm. Ph 9565 5522. Visit <http://www.channel31.org> for
BY SEAN HEALY @box text intr = Unable to keep their mouths shut, business leaders from across Europe and the United States may have unwittingly sabotaged their governments' chances of launching a new round of trade talks — by issuing a wish list
BY JIM GREEN Predictably, the Coalition government has been placed bottom of the class for its environmental performance when environment groups — including the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Wilderness Society, Friends of the Earth and
4, Free the Political Prisoners Alliance, Solidarity for the Acehnese People, SEGERA, human rights, Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence, KONTRAS"> INDONESIA: Acehnese leader speaks out at trial BY MAX LANE The trial (if it
The medium that got away By the time the first bombs dropped on Afghanistan in early October, thousands of images and millions of words had been fired in the US propaganda war. The purpose of these was clear: to "prove" that the US and its allies