Links. Number 9 Review by Allen Myers
After an irregular publication over the past year or so, Links, the international journal of socialist renewal, has been relaunched on a three-times-a-year schedule. Issue number 9 leads with the mass struggle
Stop MAI campaign launched
By Jo Brown
SYDNEY — The launch of a campaign against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) was held here on January 15. The MAI, which has been largely hidden from public debate in Australia, is an
Native title: Labor's real role
By Jennifer Thompson
In the flurry over John Howard's Wik bill attacking native title rights, it is easy to forget that Paul Keating's 1993 Native Title Act was intended to restrict the native title rights
By Jon Land
SYDNEY — The Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance commemorated 150 years of the Communist Manifesto with a socialist education conference here, January 3 to 7. The 255 conference participants reaffirmed and discussed the
ALP failed on 'right to negotiate'
By Bob Brown
In respect of land use, native title holders would be little more than onlookers under proposals from both the ALP and Coalition. Imagine a large piece of leasehold land near the sea. The
White privilege and working-class unity
By Lisa Macdonald
It is not just in Australia that racism is on the rise. A poll of 16,000 people in the 15 European Union countries in December found that 9% said they were "very racist", 24% said they
By Marina Carman
The federal government has clearly signalled its intention of making 1998 a crucial year for its plans to restructure higher education. The final report of the West review of higher education, due for release in March, will outline
Cosette: The Sequel to Les MisérablesBy Laura KalpakianHarperCollins, 1997. 652 pp., $14.95 (pb) Review by Phil Shannon
"The Republic belongs to Property, Profit and Order. That's what they're setting in place of the King. New government,
Give them some
"I say, listen, you're rich. Politicians need money. If you like them, then there's nothing wrong with giving them some of it." — Silicon Valley lobbyist Wade Randlett on how to win friends among influential people.
Money talks
Russian miners targeted by anti-worker offensive
By Renfrey Clarke
MOSCOW — According to recently announced plans of the Russian government, 1998 is to be the year when the country's coal industry is gutted and cut up, the most toothsome
Secret files
Following revelations in the Age last year about the keeping of secret police files on community and political organisations and activists, I submitted a Freedom of Information request for my file as I had been named in the Age
By Kim Moody
US Teamsters' leader Ron Carey became a threat to big business. He not only presided over a profound transformation of a major union situated at the heart of the economy, he took on the United Parcel Service, won, and set an aggressive
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