By Carla Gorton Where do you find a Symphony Orchestra member and a Save our School campaign activist side by side in a training course? These are just some of the broad range of students involved in the new graduate diploma in Community Cultural
By Val Edwards CANBERRA — A Community and Public Sector Union national bulletin authorised by the joint national secretary Wendy Caird in September heralded the new package of personal/carer's leave for Australian Public Service (APS) employees
Palestinian students on hunger strike By Jennifer Thompson Students from Birzeit University protested in front of the Palestinian Legislative Council headquarters in Ramallah on November 13, demanding the release of five hunger strikers in
By Peter Montague A study published on September 12 in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms that children exposed to low levels of PCBs in the womb grow up with low IQs, poor reading comprehension, difficulty paying attention and memory
Comment by Lisa Macdonald November 29 is the fourth annual international "Buy Nothing Day". In case you haven't heard of this momentous event, on that day environmentalists (mainly in the US, Canada, Britain and Europe) urge the public to "give
Life of Riley: Tea for two "Come in if you're good looking." "I wish you wouldn't do that, mum", I said through the screen door. "I could be anyone. I don't know why I bother to knock." But she wasn't listening. Stephanie had just learnt that
Tax Management announces closures By Chris Slee Australian Taxation Office management has announced plans to close the Chatswood office in 1997, and the Bankstown and Cheltenham offices in 1998, with more closures likely to follow. The closures
Graduate salaries falling By Marina Cameron Arguments by higher education minister Amanda Vanstone that students should pay more for their education and accept a new three-tier HECS system because of future benefits to their earning capacity
The National Union of Students national conference is being held from December 8 to 14 in Ballarat. A major topic on the agenda is restructuring in the light of reduced funding caused by "voluntary student unionism" in several states. Printed below
By Chris Spindler Through budget cuts to community services and particularly through redirecting federal government rural aid the Liberal government is favouring the large rural land-holders and producers at the expense of small producers and rural
By Sonny Melencio Arrests and harassment of anti-APEC activists continue in Manila as the summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on November 25 approaches. Media report puts at 43 the number of Filipinos and foreigners harassed or
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm, and Saturday, 7pm. Access News — Melbourne