Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 7pm.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31,
Tasmanian case goes to High Court
By Kath Gelber
On September 10, Tasmanian activists took their campaign to repeal state anti-gay laws to the High Court. The court has been requested to hear a case which will seek to declare the laws invalid on
By Dick Nichols
The federal government has already eliminated more than 15,000 jobs in the Australian Public Service (APS). At least another 10,500 are to go by June 1997. Telstra workers are staring at job losses on a similar scale. Faced with
Oil company sued over Burma
The US oil company Unocal is being sued to block construction of a US$1.2 billion pipeline in Burma. The Centre for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, on behalf of the Federation of Burmese Trade Unions, charges the
Last week many were outraged when government funds, via the Australian Council of the Arts, were used to finance the reviewers writing for the newspaper lift-out, the Australian's Review of Books.
Among those criticising the move were smaller
Sandinistas gain in Nicaraguan poll
The latest poll of Nicaraguan voter intentions by the Costa Rican polling firm CID-Gallup shows former president Daniel Ortega of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) gaining on the right-wing former
By Peter Montague
A two-year study of dioxin in the US Great Lakes has concluded that 86% of dioxin sources could be eliminated without economic sacrifice, and possibly with economic gains. The study was conducted by a team of researchers at
By Paul Oboohov
CANBERRA — A series of meetings of Community and Public Sector Union members in the national office of the Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs last week discussed the federal government's attack on the
Tax management threatens staff
By Chris Slee
MELBOURNE — Management in the Australian Taxation Office is trying to intimidate staff into breaking bans imposed in response to a plan called "ATO Business 2000", which involves job cuts, massive
By Pip Hinman
The Coalition government is attempting to squeeze maximum political mileage from the adoption of a resolution it submitted to the UN General Assembly on September 11. The resolution called for the signing of the Comprehensive Test Ban
Stop press
The Australian Bureau of Statistics last week released a study which showed that rich people were more likely to have a personal computer at home than poor people. The story made the front page of the Financial Review.
No beating
Public housing coalition formed
By Sue Brook and Liam Mitchell
MELBOURNE — One thousand people joined a demonstration here on September 11 against the Howard government's plan to decimate public housing. The demonstration was organised by a
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