By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — Angry miners inflicted a notable defeat on the Russian government in mid-August. A mass hunger strike in the coalfields of southern Russia, accompanied by large-scale picketing, forced the Moscow authorities to make
By Tim Gooden and James Vassilopoulos Canberra — The ACT budget, due on September 19, promises public sector cuts, corporatisation, job losses and privatisation. Immediately after the minority Liberal government was sworn in, two senior
Actively Radical TV — Community television's progressive current affairs program tackles the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Friday, 10.30pm. From Spirit to Spirit — Tells the story
WaterworldStarring Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Tina Majorino and Michael JetnerDirected by Kevin ReynoldsReviewed by Barry Healy By now everybody knows the publicity albatross Waterworld carries around its neck: that it's the
Women and Labour Conference revived Women and Labour Conference revived The fifth Women and Labour Conference, the first for 11 years, will be held at Macquarie University from September 29 to October 1. Green Left Weekly's KATH GELBER spoke to
Since October 16, 1964, China has exploded 43 nuclear bombs (23 in the atmosphere and 20 underground) at the Lop Nor test site in the far west Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region. A briefing paper produced last week by WA Greens Senator Dee Margetts
NTU picket DARWIN — Resistance members led a small picket at the Northern Territory University open day on August 27. The official theme of the day was "Open your mind". Activists titled the day "Open your mind ... but pay the
After Beijing On September 4 the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women opened in Beijing, the first for 10 years. During preparations for the conference, media commentary was dominated by coverage of China's attempts to
Ban landmines now Ban landmines now Every 15 minutes someone is killed or maimed by a landmine. Almost all of those affected are civilians, and many of them are children. For every survivor, two die. The majority of survivors
By Kerry Vernon Brisbane— The Queensland Labor government is considering restricting access by workers to common law claims for negligence against employers. In a letter to unions, minister for employment and training Wendy Edmond outlined the
By Pip Hinman Despite well-documented and widespread evidence linking nuclear explosions to health and environmental problems, there is a growing campaign to play down the impact of the underground tests at Moruroa atoll. A series of reports
The Big Picture: Populate or PerishABC TV, Wednesday, September 13, 9.30pm (9 Adelaide)Previewed by Lisa Macdonald Since the time of Malthus in the late 1700s, the issue of population growth and its impacts on the economic, environmental and social