By Michael Garay President Fidel Ramos opened the 10th Congress on July 24 with the executive's traditional "state of the nation address" in a joint session of the Senate and the House of Representatives. At the same time, 80,000 people
By Eva Cheng In 1963, when the United States, the Soviet Union and Britain announced their plans to stop atmospheric nuclear tests, the French governor of Tahiti claimed, "Not a single particle of radioactive fallout [from France's pending
Anger at ship scuttling By Ben Courtice HOBART — The wreck of the BHP ship Iron Baron on July 10, and the resultant slick of 300 tonnes of fuel oil off the north coast of Tasmania, is one the state's worst environmental
Reflection By Shane Riley @poetry = One dream @poetry = of freedom returned @poetry = The way of our people @poetry = our religion, our culture @poetry = The land we roamed @poetry = for over 40,000
By Norm Dixon Spanish Socialist Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez knew of the activities of state-sponsored death squads which murdered dozens of Basque refugees in the 1980s, according to a senior politician who oversaw the death squads'
Much to discuss at women's conference By Carla Gorton ADELAIDE — "Creating Space for Change" was the theme of a women's conference on July 21-22 at Adelaide High School. The conference was attended by almost 200 women and
August 28 is National Landmines Day. One in three nations has been mined, and up to 70 people a day are being killed as a result of landmines. The number of individuals maimed or killed by landmines in peacetime is as high as 2500 per month. For
Toxic tour highlights radioactive danger By Shane McArthur ADELAIDE — On July 23, more than 50 people joined a "toxic tour", organised by the environmental group Praxis, to highlight the dangers of long-term radioactive
ACT students against nuclear tests and Francophobia By Tony Iltis CANBERRA — On July 19, 100 students marched from Parliament House to the French embassy, chanting "Non aux essais! Oui   la paix!" (No to testing! Yes to
By Jennifer Thompson The latest deadline for Palestinian elections and Israeli redeployment from occupied Palestinian territories, July 25, has passed without any agreement between the Israeli government and the Palestinian National
@9point = Actively Radical TV — Community television's progressive current affairs program tackles the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Friday, 10.30pm. @9point = Movie Matinee: Rising to the Bait
@9point = The Story of Pop: Young, Loud and Snotty — Britain's youth by the late '70s found traditional rock music devoid of rebellion, so when the Sex Pistols burst on the scene with what became known as punk music, it was an overnight sensation.