Aid money for logging in PNG SYDNEY — Australia is planning to channel millions of dollars into training Papua New Guinean forestry officers instead of taking measures to halt the alarming rate of logging in that country, according to four PNG
Chechen government appeal The following statement was received by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) General Secretariat on February 27 from the government of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria. The Government of the
International Women's Day By Kath Gelber Every year women and their supporters mobilise in their thousands in Australia, and in their millions around the world, to celebrate International Women's Day. IWD is more than a celebration,
Love, Power and Knowledge: Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences By Hilary Rose Polity, 1994. $39.95 Reviewed by Neville Spencer Hilary Rose covers a diverse spectrum of issues in Love, Power and Knowledge — feminist theories
Recovery without jobs for Victorian women By Margarita Windisch MELBOURNE — Although Victoria's economy is currently in an "upturn", fewer women in 1995 have full time jobs than at the lowest point of the recession two years ago. Job
By Sean Magill and Maureen Baker Britain's minister for occupied Ireland, Patrick Mayhew, said last week that there was no question of Sinn Fein, the only Republican party with support throughout Ireland, becoming involved in all-inclusive talks
A short story by Maria Lee I arrive about forty-five minutes early, and park next to the theatre gardens. I walk up to the street and find the building I'm supposed to go to. Along the way, my eyes check for possible parking places for the next
By Dave Andrews ROSEBERY — After many years of campaigning by residents, the new Rosebery Community Hospital was officially opened on March 1. The hospital replaces the dilapidated structure that had served the mining communities on Tasmania's
US pesticide study sounds alarm Washington, D.C. — A study published on February 27 in the American Journal of Public Health, which finds elevated rates of cancer in children exposed to pesticides, raises yet again the serious and overdue need

During the first years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the general view was that Kazakhstan — a large Asian republic that stretches from the Volga river to China — represented one of the more fortunate parts of the former USSR, writes Boris Kagarlitsky.

Actively Radical TV — This week's program looks at the controversy surrounding Sydney's third runway. Activists Ian Fraser, Aline Smith and Col Hesse discuss Labor's legacy in inner Sydney. CTS (UHF 31), Friday, March 10, 10.30pm (Repeated
NSW Labor hides its agenda for women By Amanda Mitchell Sixty-five women from the Bligh electorate attended a public meeting on February 18 in the Woolloomooloo public housing estate to hear Pam Allen, NSW shadow spokesperson on women's