On the box

March 8, 1995

Actively Radical TV — This week's program looks at the controversy surrounding Sydney's third runway. Activists Ian Fraser, Aline Smith and Col Hesse discuss Labor's legacy in inner Sydney. CTS (UHF 31), Friday, March 10, 10.30pm (Repeated Saturday, March 11, 10.30pm.).

Dolphin Stories — An examination of the exploitation of dolphins by the entertainment industry. SBS, Saturday, March 11, 2.30pm.

Civil War — The first in a series of six programs about the English Civil War. This episode asks what caused the conflict and whether it was the English equivalent of the French Revolution. SBS, Sunday, March 12, 11.15pm.

Redemption Song — The start of a fascinating seven-part series on the culture, history and politics of the countries of the Caribbean. Narrated by former Marxism Today contributor Stuart Hall, it examines the region's politics with intelligence and depth. Unfortunately, Hall's incisive and informative approach evaporates during the episode on Cuba. SBS, Sunday, March 12, midnight.

Black Man's House — A program that explores the meaning of being Aboriginal and explodes the myth of the extinction of the Tasmanian Aborigines. Set on spectacular Flinders Island in Bass Strait. ABC TV, Tuesday, March 14, 1am.

The Pill: Prescription for Revolution — The social history of the pill with the help of three generations of women. ABC TV, Wednesday, March 15, 1am.

Movie: The Treaty (1991) — The dramatised story of the events that led to the creation of the Irish Free State in 1921. ABC TV, Thursday, March 16, 1am.

Nuclear Tango — Between 1945 and 1979, the USSR allegedly conducted many nuclear experiments, but the soldier guinea pigs were never listed and their existence was denied by the government. This documentary reunites some of the soldiers as they plan protests, and features rare newsreel footage and military film. SBS, Thursday, March 16, 8.30pm.

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