Sam Wainwright

The systematic running-down of public housing by governments over a few decades is not news. However, in Western Australia the situation has become particularly desperate, writes Sam Wainwright.

For eight months in 2018-19, Sudan was gripped by an unprecedented mass movement to overthrow the 30-year dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir. Green Left spoke to Khalid Hassan about the achievements of the Sudanese people and the difficult challenges ahead.

As Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan unleashes more assaults on the country’s battered democratic institutions, Sam Wainwright looks at why Australia must support the democratic forces battling to create a just and democratic society in the Middle East.

Julian Assange is facing a show trial, designed to warn any whistleblower and journalist not to go down the same path. He is not on trial for any crime, but rather for exposing them, argues Sam Wainwright.

People from all over the globe have been moved to join the fight to drive Islamic State from the liberated zones of Kobanî and Raqqa in north-east Syria. Green Left caught up with Jamon Hartzer about why he tried to help and what happened when he did.

Sam Wainwright looks at what's behind Peter Dutton's fanatical determination to deport Tamil asylum seekers Priya, Nades and their two young daughters to Sri Lanka.

Those crowing the loudest about the Black Lives Matter movement pushing “cancel culture” should take a good hard look at exactly who is cancelling whose culture, writes Sam Wainwright.

Modern Australia remains profoundly shaped by the violent dispossession of Indigenous people. Denying this history serves a real and material purpose for very powerful interests, argues Sam Wainwright.

While the federal government does not care about the wellbeing of the unemployed, it still faces a dilemma: how to continue to serve big business while appearing to care about all those who have been redundant, writes Sam Wainwright.

“Normal” was so broken, we don't want to go back to that. But, as Sam Wainwright argues, we're going to have to build a movement strong enough to transform Australia’s economy.

Whatever the early delays and bungling in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can be relieved Australia did not follow in lock-step with Britain and the United States. However, governments here are not pulling out all stops to save lives, writes Sam Wainwright.

During the COVID-19 pandemic we have all come to realise just how many people have relatively low-paid and insecure work, writes Sam Wainwright.