Alex Salmon

The Tigrean community is calling for support as the war on the north-eastern Ethiopian province by the Ethiopian army, Eritrean and United Arab Emirates and Amahara militias continues. Alex Salmon reports.

End Black deaths in custody protest in Perth on April 15. Photo: Alex Salmon

A protest to mark 30 years since the royal commission into Black deaths in custody released its findings mobilised about 1000 people, writes Alex Salmon.

Extinction Rebellion organised a series of civil disobedience actions in Perth, calling for urgent action to stop climate change. Alex Salmon reports.

Alex Salmon reviews a new book on how Australia's climate policy has been held hostage to sceptics and fossil fuel interests for decades.

WA Supporting Farmers and the Sikh Council of Western Australia have organised a protest in front of the consulate general of India in solidarity with farmers’ protests.

Western Australia’s Tigrean community have organised a second rally against the Ethiopian government's war on the Tigray province. Alex Salmon reports.

The Sikh community in Western Australia is spearheading a solidarity campaign with Indian farmers protesting the BJP government’s anti-farmer laws, reports Alex Salmon.

Alex Salmon reviews Catrine Clay's Good Germans, which focuses on six resisters, who risked their lives to oppose the Nazi regime in Germany from 1933-45.

Witness K protest

Actions were held around Australia to demand the immediate dropping of the prosecutions of East Timor oil espionage whistleblower Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery. Jim McIlroy and Alex Salmon report.

The Trial of the Chicago Seven retells the story of the 1969 show trial of seven high-profile activists, while stripping away much of the period's radicalism in the process, writes Alex Salmon.

Up to 2000 people marched in support of UnionsWA’s successful call on the Legislative Assembly to pass a new industrial manslaughter law. Alex Salmon reports.

Alex Salmon reviews a new edition of Stephen J Pyne's book, which examines the history of fire and humanity’s attempts to shape and use it.