Alex Bainbridge

Climate Council member Will Steffen spoke to Green Left about climate science and politics in the lead up to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Protest on the roof of the parliamentary annexe

An Extinction Rebellion action highlighted the critical danger facing the Great Barrier Reef. Alex Bainbridge reports.

The capitalist establishment has spent years debating whether or not Australia should have a 2050 climate target. It is a distraction from the task at hand, argues Alex Bainbridge.  

Helen Jaffe, Sujatha Fernandes and Ian Ellis-Jones discuss the the July 11 protests in Cuba, the corporate media's distortions of them and what is happening in that country now.

Compost the rich: September 30 action outside Bluebird Property.

Activist gardening collective Growing Forward held an action outside the offices of luxury developer Bluebird Property. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Rob Pyne speaks out against nuclear submarines

Alex Bainbridge reports that Socialist Alliance councillor Rob Pyne was the sole voice of opposition against Morrison's nuclear submarine proposal on the Cairns Council.

Queensland Senate candidate Renee Lees said Australia needs to be a 'productive partner', not a 'colonial bully', in the Asia Pacific region. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Extinction Rebellion organised a snap action to call on governments to recognise that the reef is beyond being 'in danger'. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Socialist Alliance councillors Rob Pyne, Sam Wainwright and Sue Bolton

Australia’s already unrepresentative electoral system is about to become even less democratic, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Wangan and Jagalingou senior cultural custodian Adrian Burragubba speaks to the crowd

Wangan and Jagalingou senior cultural custodian Adrian Burragubba is demanding that the government respect their rights.

Sex workers have welcomed the Queensland Labor government's intention to decriminalise sex work, reports Alex Bainbridge.

A political response is needed to win people away from those peddling conspiracies, or worse, in the growing so-called “freedom” rallies, argues Alex Bainbridge.