Alex Bainbridge

Alex Bainbridge, Sarah Hathway and Sam Wainwright put the case for a health and justice-focussed response to the devestating outbreak of COVID-19 in India. 

The withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan is a welcome development. But, as Alex Bainbridge argues, it doesn’t mean that the warmongers in Canberra and Washington have been defeated.

Border Force and Queensland Police have forcibly transferred refugees from Kangaroo Point to BITA, a more remote detention centre near Brisbane airport, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Alex Bainbridge argues the Labor party’s policy conference demonstrated Anthony Albanese plans to continue its “small target” strategy, offering working people very little in a pandemic recession and climate emergency.

Guests Sam Wainwright (Socialist Alliance councillor) and Vivienne Porzsolt (Jews Against the Occupation) discuss the 2021 ALP policy conference.

Brisbane march. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

Thousands rallied on Palm Sunday rallies around the country. More than 1500 marched in Melbourne in the largest refugee rights rally since Victoria's COVID-19 lockdown ended.

Socialists around the world have paid tribute to veteran Canadian Marxist Ernie Tate, writes Alex Bainbridge

Jocelynne Scutt and Kamala Emanuel discuss the meaning, the merits and the limits of the "rule of law", Christian Porter's defamation case against the ABC and how the "justice" system should deal with rape and sexual assault.

Labor needs to break the bipartisan consensus and end its support for mandatory detention and boat turn-backs, argues Alex Bainbridge.

The federal government's anti-worker omnibus bill, which failed to gain crossbench support on March 18, sought to hand businesses more power in the workplace. Michelle Sheehy talks to Green Left about the campaign against it.

Ongoing foreign occupations have lasted more than 20 years in Afghanistan and 18 years in Iraq. Neither has brought justice or peace to the region, argues Alex Bainbridge. 

Janine Hendry, Sarah Hathway and Kamala Emanuel discuss the issues around sexual assault and profile the March4Justice on March 15.