Alex Bainbridge

Labor needs to break the bipartisan consensus and end its support for mandatory detention and boat turn-backs, argues Alex Bainbridge.

The federal government's anti-worker omnibus bill, which failed to gain crossbench support on March 18, sought to hand businesses more power in the workplace. Michelle Sheehy talks to Green Left about the campaign against it.

Ongoing foreign occupations have lasted more than 20 years in Afghanistan and 18 years in Iraq. Neither has brought justice or peace to the region, argues Alex Bainbridge. 

Janine Hendry, Sarah Hathway and Kamala Emanuel discuss the issues around sexual assault and profile the March4Justice on March 15.

Angela Lynch discusses the impact of the merger of the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court on victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Frederika Steen, Ian Rintoul and Alex Bainbridge speak about the latest developments following the release of twenty-five refugees from Kangaroo Point and Brisbane Immigration Transit Acommodation..

Green Left journalist and film maker Zebedee Parkes talks about his criticisms of the News Media Bargaining Code.

Crown Sydney

Everybody knows the gambling industry feeds on misery. We need to hold the individual fat cats accountable. But we also have to shine a spotlight on the pathway out of this systemic mess, argues Alex Bainbridge.

The Socialist Alliance strongly condemns the military coup in Myanmar/Burma and calls on the Australian government to deny recognition to the regime.

This episode of the Green Left Show features Gauri Gandbhir, Lizzie O'Shea and Aleks Wansbrough focuses on the government's proposed media code, Google's threat to abandon Australia and the debate around online free speech.

Alex Bainbridge writes about Green Left's new video podcast — the Green Left Show — which aims to cover important topical issues and involve guests from the diversity of progressive opinion and campaign areas.

Alex Bainbridge reports the Stop Adani movement expressed solidarity with Indian farmers at a spirited protest outside Adani headquarters.