
Ten Myths About Israel

Alex Salmon reviews Ilan Pappé's book, Ten Myths About Israel, which debunks Zionist propaganda and proposes a just solution for the Palestinians.

In violation of its obligations and responsibilities as an occupying power, Israel has taken little effort in vaccinating Palestinians, reports Jyotsna Singh.

The new stage of Palestinian resistance has caught the Israeli government by surprise. It also shocked the United States government, reports Barry Sheppard.

Despite reports of US President Joe Biden pressuring for a ceasefire, the US has thrown its full support behind Israel’s murderous war against the Palestinians, writes Barry Sheppard.

Scenes of brutality in Jerusalem have generated outrage and solidarity among Palestinians and around the world, report Ali Abunimah, Maureen Clare Murphy and Tamara Nassar


The latest Israeli elections produced an electoral stalemate, but also a victory for ultranationalist and far-right parties, reports Rupen Savoulian.

The cultivation of relations between the Emiratis (and the other Gulf nations) and Israel have been disguised as the promotion of Muslim-Jewish interfaith cooperation, writes Rupen Savoulian. But this cynical ploy cannot disguise the naked and brazen economic and geopolitical interests motivating both parties.

The European Court of Human Rights struck a major blow to Israel’s efforts to silence its critics on June 11, writes Ali Abunimah, when it overturned the criminal convictions against 11 Palestinian rights activists in France.

Israel and the Gulf states are pushing towards a normalisation of ties, entrenching cooperative measures that go back decades. By solidifying relations with the Gulf monarchies, writes Rupen Savoulian, Tel Aviv aims to isolate the Palestinians, score diplomatic and economic victories, and formalise an anti-Iranian alliance.

It’s been barely noticed, but last month there was an incursion of politics into sports like no other, writes Dave Zirin.

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With little reason, the Israeli government made the decision to cancel the Palestinian national football (soccer) club championship, otherwise known as the FIFA Palestine Cup.

Palestinian solidarity activists rallied in Sydney on May 11, commemorating al Nakba and calling for justice for Palestine.

The Israeli city of Tel Aviv is preparing to host the Eurovision Song Contest in May, following Israeli artist Netta Barzilai’s win in Eurovision 2018.

In response, BDS Australia, which support the global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, says: “As a serial human rights abuser, it is unacceptable for Israel to be the host country for a competition that, in SBS’s own words, is supposed to ‘bring people and cultures together’.