
The University of Sydney is undertaking an investigation on its sociology Professor Sujatha Fernandes for alleged breach of the code of conduct. Valerie Chidiac and Ariana Haghighi report.

women workers at a help desk, marching at May Day

Green Left's Peter Boyle spoke to Danaletchumi (Dana) Langaswaran, a Malaysian socialist and labour rights activist, about her experiences in organising contract workers and running a nationwide workers' helpline.

NSW Greens Senator David Shoebridge has found out, via a FOI request, that as much as $600 million from the Australian Future Fund is going to weapons companies. Binoy Kampmark reports.


A Labor bill, currently in parliament, looks like it wants to shift the cost of NDIS to the states and territories. Graham Matthews argues the debate over future NDIS funding is an argument among thieves.

Several of the 100 children who took part in a unique people-to-people Australia-Palestine solidarity project have been killed in Gaza, along with some of the adults running the program. Peter Boyle reports.

Stop Israel's genocide, Naarm/Melbourne, June 2

Thousands rallied around the country on the 35th weekend of continuous protests against Israel's genocide. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Rents must be frozen and the housing-price casino has to be shut down, starting with the tax rorts. Tax incentives should be available only for building new housing that adds to existing stock, argues Renfrey Clarke.

Around 100 people attended the sold-out Brisbane premiere of the lively new climate action documentary Walanbaa Ngiiyani/Stronger Together, on May 25, reports Jim McIlroy.

Students demand that UQ divests from Israeli weapons companies

The University of Queensland committed to disclosing financial and research partnerships with weapons manufactures in return for the UQ Gaza solidarity camp shutting down. Sam Morris reports.

Communities in Bundjalung country are demanding Labor call a halt to Israel's war on Gaza. Nick Fredman reports.

The ANU students’ Gaza solidarity encampment lives on, supported by progressives on and off campus. Paul Oboohov reports.

Public sector workers are receiving pushback from an open letter calling on federal Labor to disclose and cease all military exports to Israel. Kerry Smith reports.