World Environment Day in Hobart

May 17, 1995

World Environment Day in Hobart

By Ben Courtice

HOBART — The World Environment Day (WED) Committee here is planning events in early June to mark this day of action for the environment. They include a march, rally and band night on June 3, and a Politics in the Pub forum on the following Friday, June 7.

The forum will address strategies to build the green movement and will feature speakers from organisations and communities involved in the struggle for a clean and healthy environment including trade unions, Green party, Aboriginal and socialist activists.

The WED march and rally are being organised around two basic themes: ending the Heemskirk link road and halting the destruction of our remaining old-growth forests.

The Heemskirk link road is being ploughed through the heart of the Donaldson rainforest, dividing the Tarkine wilderness in two. The road will destroy the World Heritage listing potential of the area, and open it for woodchipping. The Tarkine area also contains some of Australia's oldest Aboriginal heritage.

Anyone interested in doing something for the future of the planet is invited to come along to the WED committee. We meet every Monday at 5pm, 290 Murray Street (above the Wholefood Shop). For more information contact 346 397.

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