Tahrir (“Liberation”) Square in Cairo was the birthplace of hope for millions if not billions of people this year.
It was here that the Egyptian people launched a mighty democratic revolution. And it is where, in its second stage the Egyptian revolution once again has the attention of the world as the year draws to a close.
The Egyptian revolution was not the first charge of the new wave of Arab revolt, but it was the one that had the scale and power to topple a dictator, Hosni Mubarak, once believed to be unshakeable.
The rich and powerful nations that backed Mubarak — the United States and Israel, in particular — had full confidence in his ability to repress any opposition. But, to their horror, they were proved wrong in February.
The Egyptian people proved to a new generation around the world that it could win if it takes up the fight for liberation. And this is no small thing.
The world’s oppressed majority can endure decades of misery, repression and indignation, knowing full well that the system needs to change, but still not have the confidence that they can make change.
The Egyptian people’s revolt broke that spell of under confidence for many.
If the Egyptian people had not taken Tahrir Square and ousted Mubarak, there probably would have been no Spanish Indignado movement, no Occupation of Wall Street and no global Occupy movement.
And now the Egyptian revolution is giving the oppressed of world another important lesson. They have refused to give in to the oppressors’ Plan B, but have taken to Tahrir Square once to demand the Egyptian Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) step down.
In a year so boldly stamped by a new spirit of liberation, Green Left Weekly has responded to the challenge of informing, inspiring, connecting and helping organise people fighting for change all around the world.
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