Protesters shouted “No militia, no Burhan, peace and justice for Sudan” at a solidarity rally on June 3.
Abdelfattah Al-Burhan is the general heading the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). The SAF has been fighting the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia since April 15 resulting in a mass humanitarian crisis in the country and delaying the progression towards civilian rule.
The rally was opened by four young women expressing the heartbreak and shock of the Sudanese diaspora community in Australia. “It is difficult to find the words to describe the circumstances,” said one. “Home is now unrecognisable,” said another.
Sudanese community president Dr Nazim Ahmed gave a powerful speech calling on the community to “stand tall” so as to “triumph over the ashes of the past”.
We need to “refuse to succumb to despair”, he said.
“For every life lost we carry their memory,” he said. “We will rise stronger and more beautiful than ever” because we can “not let the war be our identity”.
“War never ever good for anyone,” said a speaker from the Eritrean community. “Our beautiful continent is bleeding,” she said.
Other speakers included Eulalia Reyes from the Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network and myself, representing the Socialist Alliance, calling on the Australian government to go beyond just providing humanitarian aid and to demand an end to military rule in Sudan.
More than 120 people marched through the streets calling for justice and peace in Sudan.


