'Stop the rot!'

May 13, 1998

'Stop the rot!'

SYDNEY — On May 8, as federal health minister Michael Wooldridge arrived at Westmead Hospital in Sydney's west, he was confronted by 100 health workers chanting "Stop the rot! Save our teeth!".

The NSW Public Service Association, which organised the protest, says that the government has slashed $38 million from the Commonwealth Dental Program. "This painful cut hits hardest those who most desperately need it", said PSA acting general secretary John Cahill.

These include residents of regional areas, the unemployed and the elderly. War widows are now no longer entitled to free dental care. "Our members have the unenviable task of telling people they must wait two years for the most basic of services", said Cahill.

There are currently 15,000 people waiting for public dental care in south western Sydney alone. The union points out that funding cuts have also resulted in less jobs for skilled workers.

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