Two hundred people rallied outside the Queensland parliament on March 5 to oppose plans by coal seam gas company QGC to expand its operations near the town of Tara, 300 kilometres west of Brisbane.
Friends of the Earth campaigner Drew Hutton chaired the rally. Other speakers included Tara resident Scott Collins as well as campaigners and farmers from the Lock The Gate Alliance — a national campaign to keep coal seam gas companies off private land.
Speakers called for a moratorium on coal seam gas expansion until the full environmental and social impacts of the proposed expansion are brought to light.
Hundreds of people are expected to join a community blockade in Tara on March 14 to stop QGC’s plans to start drilling in the area.
The March 9 Courier Mail said QGC has threatened residents and protesters that take part in the blockade with fines of up to $50,000.
The Courier Mail quoted from a letter QGC staff are expected to hand to protesters. It said: “QGC considers that your conduct is an obstruction. A fine of $50,000 may be imposed.”
Preparations are also underway for the Tara 2011 Festival and Lock the Gate Convergence, which will take place from April 29 to May 4.
The festival will include movies, forums, entertainment, displays and non-violent direct action workshops.
[For more details about the campaign, email tara2011@lockthegate.org.au or phone 07 4669 4864.]