Rally for Fallujah: Troops out now!

November 24, 2004

Iggy Kim, Sydney

On November, 150 people rallied outside the US consulate to protest the destruction of Fallujah and demand that Australian troops get out of Iraq.

The rally, organised by the Stop the War Coalition, heard speeches from Greens Senator Kerry Nettle, former diplomat Tony Kevin, Sister Susan Connelly from the Mary Mackillop Institute of East Timorese Studies, aid worker in Iraq Donna Mulhearn, Socialist Alliance national co-convenor Lisa Macdonald and Keysar Trad from the Lebanese Muslim Association.

The speakers condemned the countless war crimes unfolding in Fallujah and expressed their solidarity with the Iraqi people. They warned that the popular resistance will not end with the destruction of the city. Speakers also highlighted the involvement of the Australian military in the Fallujah attack.

Mulhearn, who will shortly be returning to Iraq, will convey peace messages to the Iraqi people. They can be sent to <messagesofpeace@yahoo.com>. The rally ended in a "die-in" and protesters left anti-war messages and chalk images symbolising the dead in Fallujah.

From Green Left Weekly, November 24, 2004.
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