More than 100 members of the Myanmar community and supporters rallied outside Customs House on April 16 to protest airstrikes against civilians in Myanmar/Burma.
The protest, organised by the CRPH/NUG Support Group (Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw/National Unity Government Support Group) New South Wales, condemned the Myanmar dictatorship’s air attack on a village, in which around 170 people, including 20 children, were killed.
Rally chairperson Deborah Tin told supporters the “brutal Myanmar regime” is again “showing its complete disregard for democracy and human life”. She said the international community “must come together and boycott the regime” and the Australian government “must play a leading role”.
Rado Gatchalian, representing the Australian South East Asian Network, said: “We have the same heritage, as Filipino and Burmese communities” and called on the Australian government to “take action”.
Speakers called on the federal government to: ban Australian companies’ involvement with the Myanmar regime, especially oil and gas corporations; impose trade sanctions on the dictatorship; support the Myanmar resistance fighters and recognise the National Unity Government; refer the Myanmar regime to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity; and end Australia’s involvement in military training and support to the Myanmar regime.
Representatives of other ethnic communities in Myanmar addressed the protest, expressing solidarity with the democratic struggle.
The chairperson led the chanting, which included: “Down with the dictatorship! Stop airstrikes on civilians!”, “Myanmar junta. War criminals!”, “United Nations. Take action! Recognise the NUG”, “Australia, act now!” and “People’s power. We must win!”.