Protest: Accessible Tram Stops on Sydney Road, One Year anniversary

Actions, protests & rallies


11:00am to 1:00pm Saturday 22 June


Open space
cnr Wilson Avenue / Sydney Road,
Brunswick VIC 3056


Anniversary Rally
Permanent Accessible Tram Stops on Sydney Road
Saturday 22 June, 11am
Meet @ corner Wilson Avenue & Sydney Road, Brunswick
(opposite Barkly Square Shopping Centre)

One year ago we held our first rally to let people know the importance of permanent accessible tram stops on Sydney Road for everyone.

Prams, wheelchairs, strollers, scooters, walkers, walking sticks, crutches, families -everyone needs the same access to trams.

One year one we still need to let the decision makes know what we want and when we want it.

Join us on Saturday 22 June at 11am at the intersection of Wilson St and Sydney Rd (opposite Barclay Square shopping centre) to make some noise and highlight the importance of this issue.

It's an anniversary we didn't want to have so we need you to come and add your voice to the campaign and make permanent accessible tram stops on Sydney Road happen now! 

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