PALESTINE: Settlers attempt lynching

July 6, 2005

Israelis have reacted with shock and outrage to images broadcast on television on June 29 of a bunch of right-wing extremists trying to stone an unconscious Palestinian teenager to death in the Gaza Strip. The incident started when young men from an evacuated Israeli settlement in Gush Katif took over a Palestinian home. The Israeli military took no action, describing the "outpost" as a "summer camp". Days later, youths spray painted "Mohammed is a pig" on the side of the building, provoking a stone-throwing battle with local Palestinian youth. When Hilal Majaida was knocked unconscious, teenagers in traditional Jewish dress threw large rocks at Majaida's head at point-blank range, yelling "Kill him!". Horrified Israeli journalists dragged Majaida to safety. A paramedic on the scene refused to treat the Palestinian when the extremists threatened to kill him if he did. Following the outcry, the Israeli military has evacuated the building and arrested 49 Israelis in connection with it. Majaida is recovering in hospital.

From Green Left Weekly, July 6, 2005.
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