Opposition to cuts at Adelaide University

October 30, 1996

By Emma Webb

ADELAIDE — The newly appointed vice-chancellor of Adelaide University, Mary O'Kane, announced on October 14 that, as a result of a 0.9% funding cut for 1997, the University Senior Management Group had decided to: abolish the Dance and Drama departments; amalgamate Education, Labour Studies and Women's Studies with other departments; cut staff by 5%; accept 25% over quota full fee-paying students; and cut the library budget by 5%.

The cuts amount to $10 million. All departments targeted for cuts have a higher than average number of mature-age, low-income, part-time and women students.

Labour Studies offers an important access route for mature-age students and people from working-class backgrounds. Entrance to the associate diploma, which the university will disband next year, is based on life experience, particularly experience in the workplace and unions, not HSC results. Students can then go on to the Bachelor of Labour Studies.

Labour Studies is also one of only four programs at the university to offer external study programs and is the only program of its type in Australia. The ACTU and many unions have written to the VC condemning her decision.

The Drama and Dance departments have said that students can enrol at Flinders University instead. But the course is completely different and Flinders will not be increasing student places.

On October 24, a state-wide day of general student meetings was organised by the South Australian Education Network (SAEN). At Adelaide University more than 100 students and staff attended. Barbara Pocock from the National Tertiary Education and Industry Union asked for student support for staff industrial action.

The meeting passed a number of motions condemning the university's plans. Students then marched to the VC's office and demanded to see her. After about an hour the VC agreed to immediate meetings with all faculties and students affected.

To get involved in the campaign, come to an SAEN meeting, 5pm each Thursday, Margaret Murray room, 5th floor, Student Union, Adelaide University.

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