Ongoing occupations of public spaces were continuing on October 17 in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane in opposition to corporate domination and exploitation. The actions began on October 15 as part of the "United for Global Change" actions that took place in more than 1500 cities and towns around the world.
These global actions, initially called by Spain's movement of The Indignant, were also in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement that began in New York and has spread to more than 150 cities and towns across the United States.
Occupy Melbourne is taking place in City Square on Swanston Street. About 2000 people took part on October 15. As well as regular general assemblies and stalls from a range of groups, a "people's library" has also been set up.
The camp is being supported by, among other groups, the Victorian branches of the Communication Workers Union, the National Union of Workers and the Unite union.
Video: Video Occupy Melbourne lands in City Square The Age. Bruce Skewes.
In Sydney, occupiers in Martin Place have defied police, who banned any attempt to "camp" with tents or mattresses on the night of October 15. About 1000 people turned out on October 15 and dozens continue to sleep overnight.
Campers have stayed despite these imposed hardships, with dozens of people sleeping on the concrete, and sweeping and cleaning the occupied area early every morning.
The camp is supported by the state branches of the Construction Forestry Energy Union, the Maritime Union of Australia, the National Tertiary Education Union as well as the Canterbury Bankstown Teachers Association. The CFEMU and MUA have donated $1000 each to the occupation.
The Sydney occupiers are holding general assemblies every night at 6.30pm to discuss and organise the occupation and the movement. Every day at 1pm, a workshop will be held on a different political issue and an open mic speakout is scheduled for 4pm every day.
The October 16 general assembly voted to organise a rally in support of the Occupy movement for next Saturday, October 22 at 12pm at the camp in Martin Place.
Occupy Sydney said on October 17: "A compromise has been made with the police where all the possessions of the occupation have been reorganised and moved to a space that is less likely to interfere with the public.
"Many occupiers have gone back to their jobs leaving a core group of more than 40 people to hold the fort and engage with a very curious public.
"The occupation is expected to swell again dramatically at 6.30pm for the daily General Assembly, aka the cornerstone of the Sydney Occupation. All are welcome, just be sure to bring plenty of patience as participating in actual democracy tends to require it. We are however getting better at running these things, so efficiency (and numbers) are increasing!"
Occupy Brisbane said on October 16: On October 16, Occupy Brisbane said an estimated 450 people passed through Post Office Square over October 15 and about 50 people stayed for the first night's occupation. It said "one surprising element amidst the day's activities was the strong support from some local businesses" and individuals -- with several hundred dollars, tents, food and water donated to the occupiers.
Video: occupy brisbane day 1. maswift92.
Watch a live stream of Occupy Brisbane.
Hundreds of people also took action on October 15 in Adelaide, Perth and Canberra.
Occupy Adelaide is holding a meeting on October 19 at 5.30 at The Old Exchange to plan further action.
Occupy Canberra will be meeting on October 18 at Room G052, Hayden-Allen Building, ANU (Ground floor) at 6pm.
An actions also took place in Darwin and ,em>Townsvilleon October 15. In Darwin, there are plans for protests every Wednesday evening at 5pm in the Smith Street Mall. Also, Occupy Townsville will meet on Sunday October 23, 1pm at the Strand (BBQ next to the D). Occupy Cairns with gather every Sunday in City Square for a people's assembly from 12pm-3pm.
Please send any further information, updates or photos and videos of the occupy events to editor@greenleft.org.au.
Videos (below) from Occupy Sydney.
Video: Occupy Sydney Day 03: Cops refuse shelter when raining. occupysydneymedia
Video: Day 02: Cupcakes for Occupy Sydney. occupysydneymedia.
Video: Occupy Sydney Day 02: Finance Professional Joins The Occupation. occupysydneymedia.
Video: Occupy Sydney Day 01: Bank & Finance Workers Union Support! occupysydneymedia.