Loose cannons

August 21, 1996

Loose cannons

International acclaim

"Perhaps the most relentlessly corrupt police service in the English-speaking world." — The London Mail on Sunday, describing the NSW police.

Bad PR

"Mining industry leaders yesterday condemned the Federal Government for lack of political nous in deciding to announce cuts to Aboriginal spending and the retention of a big [diesel fuel rebate] subsidy to the mining and agriculture industries on the same day." — Financial Review, August 15.

Pipe dream

"That's what freedom is all about. Freedom is about having a dream." — US Republican congressional leader Newt Gingrich, drawing political inspiration from the fact that beach volleyball has become an Olympic sport (no, we're not kidding).


"Last month United States movie audiences cheered when aliens blasted the White House and the Capitol in Independence Day. I don't know quite what to make of that." — Frank Devine in the Australian.

Knocked on the head

"'Advance Australia Fair' is a rousing and stirring national anthem, and any suggestion that it should be replaced should be immediately knocked on the head." — NSW opposition leader Peter Collins.

How he's changed! — 1

"There was a certain football player who forgot his helmet and then started talking supply-side theory." — US Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole on Jack Kemp, before he decided to ask Kemp to be his vice-presidential candidate.

How he's changed! — 2

"In a recent fire, Bob Dole's library burned down. Both books were lost, and he hadn't even finished colouring one of them." — Kemp on Dole, also in the past.

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