Judge: Legal to tell bigots to ‘fuck off’

October 28, 2016

Charges of offensive language against three protesters at a Community Action Against Homophobia protest against NSW Christian Democrat politician Fred Nile in September last year have been dismissed after a year-long court battle.

On October 25, all charges and fines against Cat Rose, Patrick Wright and April Holcombe were dismissed after a judge ruled that chanting “fuck Fred Nile” and “fuck off bigots” through a loudspeaker does not constitute offensive behaviour.

The judge found that swearing was being used by protesters to “dismiss an argument against marriage equality” and that the word “fuck” is part of the everyday Australian vernacular and no longer deemed vulgar or offensive.

The protesters said the verdict was a “big win for free speech” and “the right to protest” and have vowed to continue to protest for LGBTI rights.

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