The Australian-based Socialist Alliance adopted the below motion at its January 20 National Council meeting.
Mass protests have been taking place across Iran since December 28, 2017, despite heavy security and state repression.
The protests are against widespread poverty, the skyrocketing cost of living, vast official corruption and brutal political repression.
These protests are organised by the working and oppressed peoples in cities and towns all over Iran. By January 7, hundreds had been arrested and more than 50 people killed.
Beginning with economic demands of the poor, the protests have taken up broader political demands against the regime, including by oppressed sectors such as the Kurdish community, whose organisations have supported the latest wave of anti-regime struggle.
In light of this:
1. The Socialist Alliance stands in solidarity with the working and oppressed peoples and progressive forces of Iran;
2. The protests by working class and oppressed peoples of Iran against the regime are legitimate and deserve the support and solidarity of working class and progressive organisations around the world;
3. We reject the hypocritical attempts by the US, Israel and other Western powers to use the protests to pretend to support “democracy”. The West has a long and brutal record of intervention in Iran and the region. We oppose any interference from the US or any foreign powers in Iran, including sanctions; and
4. We call on the Australian government to immediately increase the intake of refugees from Iran, to release into the community those refugees who are being held in onshore and offshore detention and to cease attempts to return Iranian refugees to danger.
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