Help break the rural drought

November 27, 1996

Going to the country for a well-earned break after exams or for your annual leave? Consider taking along the best progressive newspaper in Australia. There's more than one sort of drought in rural Australia, and it's caused by a lack of access to the alternative press.

We rely so much on subscriptions because the other main way of distributing the paper is by volunteers selling the paper on the streets. Unfortunately, our limited human resources at present mean that we can't get to many of the areas we would like to cover.

Perhaps you can change this, and introduce new readers to Green Left Weekly by taking a small bundle with you on your holiday escape. Encourage those readers to subscribe, and they can enjoy the superb coverage of news and progressive views that Green Left maintains each week, long after you have rejoined the hustle and bustle of city living. You may be able to convince the local Environment Centre to subscribe, or better yet to take a small bundle of Green Left each week to sell from their counter.

Maybe you are a student who has just finished your exams, but you're not going away for a break. With more time on your hands, now is the ideal time not only to catch up on your reading of Green Left Weekly, but also to help us distribute it in your area.

You might want to team up with the person from whom you buy GLW each week, or meet up with a group of sellers covering a particular part of the city. Either way, if you can donate some of your time to help liberate the news from the media monopoly, then get in touch with your local Green Left Weekly distribution point (see below for details). If there isn't a centre near you, call Green Left subscriptions on free call 1800 634 206. Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.

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