Narrated by Alice Walker, Maestra (Spanish for teacher) explores the experiences of nine women who, as young girls, helped eradicate Cuban illiteracy in the 1961 literacy campaign within one year.
Fifty years later, the brigadistas reminisce about the independence and self-confidence they gained from the great adventure and the trust the country placed in them. Film by Catherine Murphy. 2013. 32 min.
Chaired by Ian Ellis-Jones, (Green Left journalist and commentator on Cuba)
Bob Treasure, long term teacher, former Teachers Federation activist, convenor of activist group (Promotion of Public Education – POPE), and Australia Cuba Friendship Society activist.
Ruth Ratcliff, solidarity activist, completing PhD on Cuban literacy programs in Wilcannia and other New South Wales Towns. Based in Adelaide, Ruth will zoom in.
Hosted by Green Left and Australia Cuba Friendship Society
6pm with a tasty affordable meal, 6.30pm start @ 22 Mountain St, Ultimo
Entry $5/$10/$15/$20