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Fair go!
There's something very wrong about Australian sales taxes.
For example, if you choose to travel by BMW, you have to pay a sales tax of up to 45% on your chosen means of transport. But if you decide to walk, you don't pay any sales tax on your shoes!
It's not fair, and it distorts economic choices in ways disapproved of by some of the world's best paid economics professors.
For fairness and a sound economy, we need a GST to tax everything at the same rate.
What you can do:
1. Write to the present or future prime minister of your choice demanding a GST at a suitable rate (10% now, 15% next year, 20% the year after).
2. Post your voter registration card to:
FAIR GO FOR MULTIMILLIONAIRES, c/o PO Box 000 in your capital city.
Authorised by E. Scrooge, sec.