Diary of an election campaign

August 1, 2001

@box text intr = February 18: The London Socialist Alliance picketed the House of Commons in protest against the sanctions imposed on Iraq.

March 29: Socialist Alliance members joined members of the Chinese community to rally against Blair's scapegoating of Chinese restaurant operators for the foot and mouth disease catastrophe.

April 4: The Socialist Alliance and the Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers organised rallies across England as part of an international day of action against Sodexho, the corporation that runs Britain's detention centres for "risky" asylum seekers.

Easter weekend (April 15-16): Socialist Alliance members hit the streets along with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament to protest Blair's support for the US government's "Son of Star Wars" Nuclear Missile Defense program.

April 26: The Socialist Alliance organised street rallies to support the UNISON (public sector union) campaign for a minimum hourly wage of £7.40 and a minimum pension rate of £150 a week.

May 19: Hackney awoke to find a "battle bus" full of Socialist Alliance activists driving around draped with information about the cuts to public transport and offering "lifts" to those stranded by a declining public transport system.

May 28: The Socialist Alliance held simultaneous rallies supporting all 12 of its priority pledges in St Helens, Oxford and Lambeth.

May 30: Socialist Alliance activists gathered in Leamington to greet deputy prime minister John Prescott. As his scheduled arrival time came and went, activists kept their spirits up with chants of "Why is Prescott oh so late, do dah, do dah; Why is Prescott oh so late — he must have caught the train!".

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