Chinese workers continue strike

July 3, 2010
Workers on strike outside the Tianjin Mitsumi Electric Co Ltd factory in Tianjin, July 1. Photo:

On July 1, striking workers at a Japanese-owned electronics factory in the Chinese city of Tianjin stalled production for a third day and vowed to continue their fight until bosses agreed to better pay and conditions, the Morning Star said that day. It is the latest in a spate of work stoppages to hit foreign transnationals operating in China.

Workers have hung large banners outside the factory gate reading: “Human traffickers are not welcome”, “We want a pay rise” and “We want fair treatment”.

A worker said: “We’re on strike because the factory has never increased our wages and they keep increasing our workload.”

Another worker said he received just 1500 yuan (A$162) a month after working on Saturdays and putting in two hours overtime every working day.

Strikes have recently disrupted production at Japanese corporations Toyota and Honda based in the Pearl River delta export hub.

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