On the box

July 24, 2002

On the box

Actively Radical TV

— Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. Includes the Green Left news. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9pm. Phone 9565 5522. Visit <http://www.channel31.org> for program details.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday, 8pm. Phone (03) 9633 6976.


The story of friendship between a Tamil girl and a Sinhalese girl, set against the background of civil war in Sri Lanka. SBS, Monday, July 29, 12.30pm.

Benetton: Blood, Sweaters And Sears — Details the controversial advertising campaigns of Italian clothing company Benetton, which have used images of victims of disease and disaster. SBS, Saturday, July 27, 7.30pm.

Long Night's Journey Into Day — The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission brought together victims and perpetrators of apartheid. SBS, Saturday July 27, 8.30pm.

Thomson Of Arnhem Land — Donald Thomson set about gathering information to convince successive Australian governments that Aboriginal culture deserved understanding and respect. ABC, Sunday, 28 July, 9.30am.

500 Nations: The Story Of The Native Americans — Europeans brought animal skins and furs cheaply from Native Americans to sell for a profit in Europe. They also exposed the tribes to alcohol. SBS, Tuesday, July 30, 7.30pm.

From Green Left Weekly, July 24, 2002.
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