Climate activists from Move Beyond Coal (MBC) gathered outside the Newtown branch of the National Australia Bank (NAB) on March 30 and then occupied the office for half an hour, as part of campaign “FLOOD NAB: 10 Days of Action”.
Between March 27 and April 5, activists are organising more than 40 protests around the country calling on NAB to stop funding the fossil fuel corporation Whitehaven Coal.
“Communities across the country will be stepping up their actions and flooding NAB’s foyers with people, messages and stories, to demand they stop funding climate-wrecking coal, starting with Whitehaven Coal's dangerous expansion plans,” MBC said.
The campaign aims to pressure a NAB branch to rule out funding Whitehaven Coal as it “will send a strong signal to overseas investors that involvement with serial offender Whitehaven Coal — a company that destroys First Nations heritage, drains precious water, and plans to double their coal production by 2030 — is risky business”.
Protesters handed out flyers to NAB customers and passers-by that explained that coal is the “biggest driver of climate change and Australia is the world's biggest coal polluter”.
Whitehaven is planning three massive new coal projects, equivalent to twice Australia’s annual domestic emissions. NAB’s money is enabling them.
Tell NAB to immediately and publicly rule out any further financial support for Whitehaven.
[For more information visit Move Beyond Coal.]