ABC ‘complicit in genocide’, protesters say

November 20, 2023
banner outside ABC says complicit in genocide
Protesters criticised the ABC's coverage of Israel's war on Gaza. Photo: Isaac Nellist

About 200 people rallied outside the ABC’s offices on November 17 over its biased coverage of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. 

The ABC has been criticised for “downplaying” the attacks and broadcasting Israeli claims and propaganda without fact-checking.

Chants of “Shame, shame ABC!” and “ABC you can’t hide, you’re supporting genocide!” echoed around the Ultimo streets, accompanied by beeps from cars supporting the protesters. 

A banner with the ABC logo was hung on a nearby footbridge, it read: “Complicit in genocide.”

stop both-sidesing genocide

stop both-sidesing genocide
Protester's criticised the ABC's use of Israeli claims and propoganda as sources. Photo: Isaac Nellist

The rally was called after an episode of Q+A on November 13 in which host Patricia Karvelas gave time to Zionist lobbyist Mark Leibler, former Liberal MP Dave Sharma and assistant foreign minister Tim Watts while sidelining Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, and accusing Australia Palestine Advocacy Network president Nasser Mashni of funding Hamas. 

Albanese later compared the treatment of Mashni to being “in front of an execution squad”. 


Passing car horns indicated strong community support for the rally
Passing car horns indicated strong community support for the rally. Photo: Isaac Nellist

ABC staff held a meeting on November 8 over the use of language in covering Israel’s bombardment. Journalists criticised ABC managements reliance on Israeli sources and spoke against bans on the use of words like “genocide” and “invasion” to describe Israel’s actions in Gaza. 

The rally heard from Palestinian and student activists, including Honi Soit editor Ethan Floyd, University of Sydney Student Representative Council president Lia Perkins and Shamikh Badra, convenor of the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine.


Outside the ABC office in Ultimo
Outside the ABC office in Ultimo. Photo: Isaac Nellist

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