
Despite a concerted campaign by the United States and its allies, Cuba continues its socialist project of international solidarity through medical care. It's therefore no wonder, according to Vijay Prashad, there is an international campaign to have Cuban doctors honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books for ecosocialists.

John Bellamy Foster argues that understanding how the transmission of viruses between species occurs is crucial to grasping the full dimensions of the overall metabolic crisis affecting humanity.

Marta Harnecker was the materialisation of the “organic intellectual”, deeply tied to political movements and the contradictions and questions of the times, writes Miguel Enrique Stédile.

Many people around the world have heard of Cuba's inspiring and unmatched international medical solidarity efforts in the COVID-19 pandemic, writes Peter Boyle. But how is Cuba faring in the struggle against the pandemic at home?

Canadian socialist and feminist Suzanne Weiss begins her recent memoir with these words by W B Yeats: “There are no strangers here, only friends you have not yet met.” More than just an epigram, they describe a practice of solidarity that saved Weiss from the Holocaust and later shaped her more than six decades of activity as a life-long socialist, writes James Clark.

The Left Democratic Front-governed Indian state of Kerala's reaction to the coronavirus virus outbreak is now being hailed as an international example for COVID-19 control, writes Karthik Preyeswary.

The legacy of Vladimir Lenin, one of the most prominent and influential figures in the history of the labour movement and revolutionary praxis, remain valid 150 years after his birth, writes Julian Coppens.

The recently-formed Global Ecosocialist Network held its first formal meeting on May 3. Ecosocialists from Africa, Europe, North America and Australia exchanged experiences, planned activities and adopted the following statement on the COVID-19 crisis, writes Susan Price.

Jack Mundey, a path breaker in militant unionism and a pioneer of the Green Bans movement in Australia, leaves a lasting legacy and a set of challenges for ecologists and socialists, writes Jim McIlroy.

Climate and Captialism editor Ian Angus looks at six new books for ecosocialists.

John Passant passed away peacefully on April 5. Paul Oboohov recounts the life and achievements of this socialist activist, poet, lawyer, academic and tax expert.