National liberation

Solidarity Minded

Peter Boyle spoke to Ryan Capozzi from Solidarity Minded, a mutual aid group specialising in mental health that is planning to work with Yezidi survivors of the Daesh (Islamic State) massacre in Iraqi Kurdistan nine years ago.

Paradise Bombed

International scrutiny of Indonesia's brutal occupation of West Papua was given a boost with the release of the documentary Paradise Bombed, which details Indonesia’s military occupation of West Papua and its 2021 bombing of Kiwirok and surrounding remote mountain villages, reports Leo Earle.


The recent coup in Niger follows similar coups in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, each led by military officers angered by the presence of French and United States troops and by the permanent economic crises inflicted on their countries, report Vijay Prashad and Kambale Musavuli.


Marcel Cartier recently spent time with leading figures of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI), on a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan.

MC Izzy Brown

In an interview with Green Left Radio, musician, activist and filmmaker Izzy Brown said there is “power in people and when those people are dancing the cops don't know what to do”, writes Ruth Heymann.

Jenin refugee camp attack, riots in France & Robodebt royal commission

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist and refugee rights activist Chloe DS go through the latest news from Australia and around the world.

West Papua arrests

Ten activists — members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) — were arrested by Indonesian authorities on July 11 in Jayapura, while handing out leaflets to promote a protest, reports Susan Price.

Kurds and their supporters in France, Germany, and Switzerland protested on July 8 over new death threats against Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan who has been imprisoned by the Turkish state for the past 24 years, reports Peter Boyle.

Jenin raid

The July 2 attack on Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank was driven by the Israeli government’s need to satisfy the bloodlust of its settlers and to mete out revenge against Palestinians for resisting the theft of their land, writes Ali Abunimah.

Copyright Samar Hazboun

As Israeli settlements grow throughout the West Bank, incidents involving settlers are at an all-time high, reports Médecins Sans Frontières. With Israeli forces failing to prevent violence and sometimes enabling it, Palestinians are more exposed to brutality than ever.

Sand film 2023

Janaka Biyanwila reviews Sand (Munnel in Tamil), directed by Visakesa Chandrasekaram, which screened at the Sydney Film Festival.

HDP-YSP joint media conference

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s win in the May 28 second round of the Turkish presidential elections has sent a wave of concern and dread through democratic circles and the large Kurdish minority, reports Peter Boyle.