Latin America & the Caribbean


Nicolas Calabrese, coordinator of the Emancipa Popular Education Movement in Brazil spoke to Green Left’s Ben Radford about the struggle for the right to university education in Brazil.

petrol station

United States courts have mandated the auction of CITGO Petroleum, US-based Venezuelan state-owned oil refining company, reports Coral Wynter.

protesters with banner

Thousands of workers went on strike across Peru, followed by nationwide protests, to demand that Congress repeal laws that favour organised crime and criminalise the right to protest, and call on the government to take action against worsening extortion and violence, reports Ben Radford.

Gustavo Petro

Colombian President Gustavo Petro gave an impassioned speech at the opening ceremony of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16) which takes place in Cali, Colombia until November 1, reports Ben Radford.

Anti-mining protest in Peru

The Peruvian government will send a delegation to the International Mining and Resources Conference to be held in Sydney over October 29‒31, to promote foreign investment in the country’s mining sector, reports Ben Radford.

Two women holding a protest sign

Michael Karrer spoke to Atenea Jiménez, a sociologist and founder of the National Network of Commune Activists and the Campesino University of Venezuela Argimiro Gabaldón, about the situation following Venezuela’s July 28 elections.

Book cover

Warwick Fry’s account of El Salvador’s history, from colonialism to its post-Civil War period, is a tremendous addition to understanding this beautiful country known as the Little Toe of Central America, writes Andrew Jones.

Federico Fuentes explains what happened in the Venezuelan elections, what it means and where it leaves the solidarity movement.

Public transport workers on strike

Transport workers in Peru’s Lima and Callao region went on strike on October 10–11 to demand that the government act against the worsening violence and extortion that workers face at the hands of organised crime groups, reports Ben Radford.

map of fires in the Amazon

More than 300,000 fires have burned more than 80 million hectares and claimed hundreds of lives across South America this year, reports Ben Radford.

Human rights defenders in Honduras gathered at the memorial to Berta Ceceres

Honduras is facing at least US$14 billion in claims brought against it by corporations to protect their profits at the expense of people and the environment — a practice that applies across Latin America, reports Tamara Pearson.

2 protesters with signs

Thousands rallied across Peru for International Safe Abortion Day on September 28, demanding the right to safe, accessible abortions. Hundreds marched through the capital, Lima, under the banner of “The Right to Decide”, reports Ben Radford.