International solidarity

3 men in front of sailors

In the first of a two-part interview, Green Left’s Federico Fuentes speaks to Socialist Alliance national co-convenor Sam Wainwright about Australian imperialism, its military alliance with the United States and prospects for working-class solidarity across borders.

Green Left News Podcast Ep 37, April 6, 2024

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist goes through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

panel of speakers

Dipankar Bhattacharya, a leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation told a Palestine solidarity meeting in India’s capital New Delhi on February 23 that the ideological ties between Hindutva and Zionism means opposing Israel's genocidal war is linked to fighting Narendra Modi's fascist agenda in India.

Israel is losing the war of public relations, argues Binoy Kampmark, and even more so after it claimed responsibility for killing humanitarian workers in Gaza.

Green Left speaks to Nachshon Amir about his experiences in the Israeli Defense Forces and his journey from growing up Zionist to becoming a supporter of Palestinian rights.

The Jewish Council of Australia has again called on governments to cut all military ties and to apply sanctions to Israel, as it did after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Pip Hinman reports.

Supporters of Julian Assange continue to highlight his imprisonment and possible extradition to the United States at weekly protests in the CBD. Stephen Langford reports.

 Australasian Muslim Times editor Zia Ahmad

Zia Ahmad, editor in chief of the Australasian Muslim Times, spoke to Vivienne Porzsolt about a unique progressive publishing project that encourages respect for different points-of-view.

Easter Sunday rally in Naarm/Melbourne against genocide

Thousands rallied in Gadigal/Sydney and Naarm/Melbourne on Easter Sunday, in the 25th week of continuous protest actions. Alex Bainbridge, Rachel Evans, Chloe DS, Niko Leka and Fred Fuentes report.

man and woman

Boris Kagarlitsky’s daughter, Ksenia Kagarlitskaya, and others inside and outside Russia, are spearheading a global campaign to demand her father’s release. She spoke with Green Left's Federico Fuentes about the campaign and the need for solidarity with all political prisoners in Russia.

Greens MPs Larissa Waters, Max Chandler-Mather and Jenny Leong, as well as National Tertiary Education Union general secretary Damien Cahill and Geelong Trades Hall Council president Zeta Henderson, are among those calling for anti-war activist Boris Kagarlitsky’s release from a Russian prison. Federico Fuentes reports.

On the 167th day of the latest genocide, the Tzedek Collective with Jews Against the Occupation ‘48 led a second public sit-in of diaspora Jews, Palestinians and allies to show solidarity with Palestine. Shula Kirovsky reports.