Imperialism & war

Free Palestine rally in Sydney

The insistence on Israel’s “right to exist” is really a demand for the maintenance of a supremacist “Jewish’’ state, in which Palestinians are second-class citizens, argues Sam Wainwright.

Tamil Remembrance Day on May 16 was marked in Sydney and Melbourne. Rachel Evans and Chris Slee report.

Hundreds of Kurdish villagers have been forced to flee their homes in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq due to Turkish bombing, reports Steve Sweeney.

Palestinian flags flying in Sydney

The Kurds and the Palestinians are fighting the same struggle against oppression, writes Sarah Glynn, but it is worrying to see debates among Kurds about support for the Palestinians, and antagonism from some Palestinians towards the Kurds.

Paul Gregoire reviews a new the ground breaking four-part documentary series that puts genocide at the core of the western expansionist project.

Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

Thousands turned out to protests around Australia to commemorate the Nakba, the Catastrophe, when Israel began its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Watch is the recorded livestream of an online forum hosted by Green Left with Marcel Cartier and Steve Sweeney and Heval Herki.

The media needs to stop misreporting COVID-19 numbers and minimising the hardships in those countries facing the worst of the global pandemic, writes Tamara Pearson.

Turkey’s system of huge dams is not just about irrigation and generating hydro-electric power, writes Sarah Glynn. It is a source of political power over the whole region.

The Australian government is beating the drums of war against China, pushed along by a new defence minister, Peter Dutton, and the hawks within. Sign the statement initiated by Sydney Stop the War Coalition.

Jews against the Occupation condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the current attacks on Palestinians in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

A Papuan leader sought by Indonesian police over the 2019 Papua “Spring” uprising, Victor Yeimo, has been arrested on suspicion of treason, reports Susan Price.