Imperialism & war

Socialist Alliance Councillor Sarah Hathway launched her reelection bid for a spot in the City of Greater Geelong with a room full of activists and community campaigners. Sue Bull reports.

flags of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong with Xi Jinping

Au Loong-Yu is a long-time Hong Kong labour rights and political activist who now lives in exile. In the first part of this interview with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, he discusses China’s rise and tensions with the United States.

Luke Mustafa Woods painting

Wiradjuri artist Luke Mustafa Woods, who is based in Djilang/Geelong, speaks to Tim Gooden about his art in solidarity with Palestine.

US aircaft carrier

Hawaiian activists are calling on nations who condemn the genocide in Gaza to withdraw from Rim of the Pacific war games, illegally hosted on Hawaiian land.

yougov poll

In the middle of a cost-of-living and housing crisis, it makes sense that a majority of young people think Australia should be more socialist, argues Isaac Nellist.

Australia is complicit in genocide

Protesters marked 40 weeks of consecutive protests demanding Labor end its support for Israel’s genocidal assault as the Lancet concludes that close to 200,000 Gazans have been killed.

As Gillian Segal has a track record of insisting that legitimate criticism of Israel is antisemitic, it is more likely that she will be an envoy for promoting racism and division, argues Janet Parker.

book cover with map in background

Alex Salmon reviews James Boyce's 2020 work, which traces the Indigenous people of the wetland areas of eastern England known as the Fens, who fought to preserve their lands, culture and community in the face of attempts to displace them by enclosure.

Boy holding onto a van

Mali, then Burkina Faso, and finally Niger have experienced coups d’état and subsequently formed the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). What should we make of this new reality for West Africa? Paul Martial provides his analysis.

Empire State Building

Sam Gindin is the co-author of The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy Of American Empire (with Leo Panitch). Green Left’s Federico Fuentes spoke to Gindin about the rise of the United States empire and its role in creating a truly global capitalism.

Chinese city

Sam Gindin is the co-author of The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy Of American Empire (with Leo Panitch). Green Left’s Federico Fuentes spoke to Gindin about the nature of the current tensions between states within global capitalism and whether China and Russia could replace the United States empire.

sign painted on a van and woman's face

Israel’s state-owned water company Mekorot has played a key role in the theft of Palestinian water. "Fuera Mekorot" (Get Out Mekorot) campaign organiser Gisela Cardozo spoke to Green Left’s Ben Radford about Mekorot's nefarious activities in Argentina and the campaign against it.