
Ecosocialism 2024 will be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences in building struggles against war and the climate catastrophe with activists from around the Indian Ocean. Fred Fuentes reports.

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John Tully reviews Boris Frankel's memoir, which recounts his family's eye-opening experience emigrating from Australia to the Soviet Union in 1956.

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Derek Wall reviews Hall Greenland’s biography of Michel Pablo, an Egyptian-born Greek revolutionary leader.

Ancient site with stamp across saying 'Not for 'Sale'

Thousands of people took to the streets in the Cusco region of southern Peru protesting the government’s move to privatise ticket sales for the famous Machu Picchu archaeological site, reports Ana Zorita.

book cover and protest in Egypt

Maree F Roberts reviews Vincent Bevins' book If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution, which chronicles the 2010's uprisings in Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Ukraine and elsewhere, and asks why these mass protest movements failed to bring about revolutionary change.

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Alex Salmon reviews Knocking the top off: A people’s history of alcohol in Australia, edited by Alex Ettling and Iain McIntyre.

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Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight important new books for rebels and revolutionaries on your gift list

historical painting of Napoleon Bonaparte

Director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven) depicts the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte in his 2023 film, Napoleon. Alex Salmon reviews.

historical photo of refugees, protest, historical photo of men in a room

This year marks the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne. It gave tacit endorsement to the ethnic cleansing begun in the last years of the Ottoman Empire and was a disaster for the human rights of Kurds, Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, living within the new borders it created, writes John Tully.


The defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, and the horrors of the Holocaust, put an end to antisemitic regimes in Europe. But it did not end collaboration between Zionism and antisemitism, argues Barry Sheppard.

anti-NEP protest Delhi

Students’ access to university education in India is threatened by the Narendra Modi regime’s National Education Policy (NEP), which was introduced in 2020, reports Isaac Nellist.

Killers of the Flower Moon

Martin Scorsese's latest offering, Killers of the Flower Moon is a somber and harrowing tale of murder, deceit and genocide of Indigenous people in North America. Isaac Nellist reviews.