
book cover, background drawing of massacre by Native Police

Peter Boyle reviews David Marr's Killing for Country: A Family History, a chronicle of his forebears who were deployed from 1849 to the 1920s to carry out systematic massacres of First Nations peoples in the frontier wars in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

young protesters

Malik Miah argues that racism lives on in California, echoing its history as a 'free state' during slavery.

book cover and historical pic of Berlin Wall

The German Democratic Republic (GDR) is often painted as a “walled-in, Russian-controlled Stasi land”. However British-German Historian Katja Hoyer's 2023 book Beyond the Wall: East Germany 1949-1990 presents a more interesting and contradictory picture of a state where socialist solidarity, secret police, central planning and barbed wire co-existed, writes Alex Salmon.

Cover image of Voice of Palestine

Pro-Palestinian solidarity activists in Australia have long been spreading information about the tragedy of the Palestinian people and the legitimacy of their revolution to Australian society, writes Khaled Ghannam. One example is the Arabic language publication Sawt Falastine (Voice of Palestine), first published in 1974.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight recent books for people who want to change the world.

Maggie K, from the Tzedek Collective, addressed a solidarity rally at the University of Sydney encampment for Palestine on May 3.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven important new books on slavery, capitalism, rebellion and ecological revolution.

book cover, historical protest

Alex Salmon reviews Janey Stone and Donny Gluckstein’s new book, The Radical Jewish Tradition: Revolutionaries, resistance and firebrands, which uncovers the hidden history of Jewish radicalism and solidarity between Jewish and non-Jewish communities.

Book covers

Four years on from the outbreak of COVID-19, Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus introduces new reads for reds and greens, including four important new books on capitalism and the pandemic.

protest for Palestine in Boorloo Perth

The war on Gaza has become a radicalising force for millions of people around the world. Many are protesting for the first time and questioning the legitimacy of their governments for supporting genocide, argues Jacob Andrewartha.


Critical theorist, feminist and author Nancy Fraser continues her conversation with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, focussing on the role of expropriation and transnationals in modern imperialism, and the challenges facing anti-imperialists and anti-capitalists.

3 people sitting

Following a recent screening of the new documentary, Palestine Under Siege, hosted in Gadigal/Sydney by supporters of Green Left, local Jewish activist Michelle Berkon presented the following response to the film.