
Haiti protesters against food insecurity and increasing poverty

Hundreds of thousands of Haitians took to the streets protesting the government’s request for foreign military intervention in Haiti. Tanya Wadhwa reports.

Barangaroo has opened under new management and its rival Star Entertainment Group is now in the regulator’s cross hairs. Suzanne James reviews the state of play in Australia’s post-Bergin casino industry.

The connection between the manufactured debt crisis in the global South, the collapse of public health systems and the continuing disastrous financing and use of fossil fuels were discussed  at Ecosocialim 2022. Chloe DS reports.


Cuban musicians

Cuba’s tourism industry has been picking up after the COVID-19 pandemic brought it to a halt, but the United States' latest aggressive action seriously threatens its viability, reports Ian Ellis-Jones.

The media’s attention is largely focused on personal data and privacy, but we need to examine what data is being collected, how it is being used and better systems to protect personal data, argues Vivien Miley.


An inflationary tsunami is passing through the world economy, creating economic disorder — in some cases acute political crisis — in every country it touches, writes John Ross.

Lieutenant General Amir Niazi signs the document surrendering to Indian and Bangladeshi forces

The expansion of capitalism, through globalisation and imperialism, has caused social exclusion, poverty and environmental degradation in Bangladesh, writes Sabrina Syed.

At the United Nations General Assembly, Bolivian President Luis Arce outlined his ambitious vision for changing the global capitalist system. Ben Norton reports.

The privately-run Indue Cashless Card has been scrapped, although some communities in the NT will still be forced to use a cashless debit card. Alex Salmon reports.

Giorgia Meloni

The European far right are seeking to capitalise on the crises resulting from Russia's war on Ukraine to mobilise support, argue Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.

Activists march through Xochimilco, Mexico, protesting against corporations

Climate change is disrupting and harming our lives, writes Tamara Pearson, so we need to disrupt and force change.

Light bulb cr Luca Nardone Pexels

Along with widespread food insecurity, South Africans also experience “energy poverty”, making it difficult for them to cover other costs such as food, rent, and clothing, reports Vashna Jagarnath.