
Marianniz Díaz and Ivan Ernesto Barreto building solidarity with Cuba

Two young Cubans, currently touring Australia with the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, are speaking at a public meeting on Cuba’s challenges and latest achievements. Allen Jennings reports.

Ten million workers are struggling but Australia’s national net wealth, if redistributed, could end the crushing poverty which directly accounts for at least 10% of the suicide toll. Gerry Georgatos reports.

Australian universities graphic

Suzanne James asks if Australia can really find its way back to Whitlam-style free education policy when so many are ensnared in a hunger-games economy, driven by the greed of the privileged, privately-educated few? 

Workers need a fairer, democratically accountable, transparent and responsive alternative to the Reserve Bank of Australia, argues Graham Matthews.

The Robodebt letters were deliberately designed without a phone number for people to call, the intention being that they quietly pay up online. Peter Martin reports on the sinister science behind such decisions.

A CFMEU initiative for a corporate super profit tax to fund social and affordable housing couldn’t have come at a better time. Pip Hinman reports.

Online protests have stopped Johnson & Johnson from enforcing secondary patents on a critical drug used to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Joshua Nicholls reports.

“Something that pretends to be a great change, but provides none, is not a step in the right direction”, argues the Blak Sovereign Movement.

The stakes are high. “Ecosocialism or extinction” is not an empty phrase, Susan Price argues, when discussing capitalism and its rapacious drive for profit and how we win a democratic, ecologically sustainable, safe climate future.

BC dockworkers strike

The picket lines are back up and dock workers in ports along the coast of British Columbia are again on strike after rejecting a deal mediated by the federal government, reports Jeff Shantz.

Video of the talk by Mike Treen of Unite Union in Aotearoa/New Zealand at the Ecosocialism 2023 conference.

Haqooq e Khalq medical camp

The International Monetary Fund approved a larger-than-expected conditional loan — worth US$3 billion — for Pakistan, on July 12, reports Farooq Tariq. But ordinary people will pay the cost.